We Absolutely Insist on Enjoying Life!
SWAYPAA is the South West Area Young People of AA bid Committee, located in South West Michigan. Our goal is to show newly sober people young and old, that "you" can stay sober and have a ton of fun doing it. As a bid committee, we hope to bring the Michigan Convention of Young People in AA to Kalamazoo, MI. Our ultimate goal is simple: We plan and host, fun, cost effective, drug and alcohol free events geared towards young people in Alcoholics Anonymous. Feeling a little up in the age range? no worries, you don't have to be youngster to attend, just have a young heart and a willingness to have a great time at fantastic sobriety focused events!
We are always looking for more members to assist with the planning and execution of events as well as managing SWAYPAA's business workings. If you are looking for a great service opportunity, look no further. SWAYPAA is looking for you too! We have regularly scheduled general business meetings every couple of weeks. Come on by and see what we're all about!
Our Committee
Jillian T
John F
Ginny W
Secretary/Co-Graphics Chair
Andy G
Treasurer/Prayer Chair
Brit H
Outreach Chair
Kemi C
Events Chair
Mark V
Co-Events Chair
Bethany H
Graphics/Merch Chair
Max R
Hotel Chair
Dominic G
Co-Hotel Chair
Josh B
Co-Graphics/Safety Chair
Katie B
Safety Chair